Theme Layout

The CDASH theme is a custom Omeka theme that integrates a map and tabbed navigation framework that provides pathways for investigating locations and related documents through the map or through the search of place names or a faceted search and filtering of documents

Topic Index

The Omeka Themes

The primary way that Omeka sites are adjusted to suit specific institutions and collections is through themes. The Omeka project provides several off-the-shelf themes that are ready to install and configure. Most institutions choose one of these as a point of departure for a customization with styling and layout and localized content. The Omeka-S developer documentation provides guidance on how to customize themes.

The CDASH custom theme includes several major differences from the standard-issue themes.

  • The map window,
  • a custom place search functionality
  • A tabbed navifation model that emulates the Place, Folder and Document structure of the Building Files Collection.

The Wireframe Layout

The CDASH Theme is a bare-bones application of CSS Grid layout, which is barebones at this point but should provide the necessary bobes for making the various components re-organized themselves for small screens. The wireframe demonstration provides the basic framework for a one-page application that makes efficient re-use of downloaded search results and intuitive forward-and-back tracking from search to places to documents and back to folders, places and search results with a minimal amount of re-downloading stuff from the server.

Middle Figure

Click here to play with the interactive Wireframe Layout